Pincers PT11

THE PINCER “PT11” is a patented lifting attachment to be used only on suitable equipments / lifting machines. It has been projected following the necessity to manufacture an equipment able to hold cement, ceramic or PVC pipes for sewer trunk line, in an easy way, quick and sure in order thus to lift and lay them into the relevant diggings, during the laying process, without any operator’s manual intervention.

  • Special steel construction.
  • Stop to Hazards in working site.
  • Quick Grasp and release of the pipe.
  • Ideal for easy handling and safe lay down.
  • Reduced jaws opening with considerable saving in earth-moving.
    PT11A PT11B PT11C
Max lifting capacity Kg  1.500 4.000 6000
Weight Kg 100 230 540
Dimensions for jaws releasing S mm 150 250 300
Dimensions mm 1.200x980x800 1.850×1.11810×800 2.680×1.680×1.1180
Maximum opening mm 810 1.410 1.930


PT11A PT11B PT11C Lunghezza
Cement interno mm 300-600 600-1.000 1.000-1.400 3.800
Ceramic interno mm 450-700 750-1.000 1.000-1.400 3.800
PVC interno mm 500-710 800-1.200 800-1.350 6.000
+ Description

THE PINCER “PT11” is a patented lifting attachment to be used only on suitable equipments / lifting machines. It has been projected following the necessity to manufacture an equipment able to hold cement, ceramic or PVC pipes for sewer trunk line, in an easy way, quick and sure in order thus to lift and lay them into the relevant diggings, during the laying process, without any operator’s manual intervention.

  • Special steel construction.
  • Stop to Hazards in working site.
  • Quick Grasp and release of the pipe.
  • Ideal for easy handling and safe lay down.
  • Reduced jaws opening with considerable saving in earth-moving.
+ Data Sheet
    PT11A PT11B PT11C
Max lifting capacity Kg  1.500 4.000 6000
Weight Kg 100 230 540
Dimensions for jaws releasing S mm 150 250 300
Dimensions mm 1.200x980x800 1.850×1.11810×800 2.680×1.680×1.1180
Maximum opening mm 810 1.410 1.930
+ Type of pipe


PT11A PT11B PT11C Lunghezza
Cement interno mm 300-600 600-1.000 1.000-1.400 3.800
Ceramic interno mm 450-700 750-1.000 1.000-1.400 3.800
PVC interno mm 500-710 800-1.200 800-1.350 6.000